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Lynx Dealer Spotlight (October 2022): Vintage King
October 19, 2022

Who could have known back in 1993 that a little vintage gear refurbishing business would grow into one of the country’s most respected retailers of the best pro audio equipment? Vintage King has gone far beyond their original vision, with retail locations in Los Angeles and Nashville that serve the top echelons of engineers, producers, musicians, and studio owners with the very best in both new and, yes, vintage microphones, outboard gear, studio monitors, consoles, and much more.
Vintage King has all the essential tools for your next recording, mixing, or mastering session. Their staff is comprised of knowledgable experts that will help you specify the perfect Lynx Aurora(n) or Hilo converter with the right combination of analog, digital, and computer interface modules. They offer special financing, easy returns, and free extended warranties, making the process of choosing the right Lynx pro audio product much more smooth than you ever imagined. Contact them today!
2636 North Ontario Street
Burbank, CA 91504
604 Gallatin Avenue, Suite 119
Nashville, TN 37206
615.866.5015 ext. 9062