Mesa. The only desktop interface with legendary Lynx quality.
Four low-noise microphone/line/Hi-Z switchable inputs.
14 total inputs and outputs with 2 loopback channels.
Dual headphone outputs with dedicated D/A and independent level controls.
Hilo 2 is our most transparent interface ever.
Pristine, independently coupled 2 in, 6 out, AD/DA conversion with digital expansion up to 16x16.
Unique touchscreen interface. Forever upgradable through our free firmware updates.
Future-proof LSlot design with swappable USB, Thunderbolt and DANTE cards.
Aurora(n). The next generation interface. Once again setting a new standard.
8, 16, 24, and 32 channel versions - each in a 1U format.
Onboard 32-channel microSD recorder for direct recording and playback.
Upgradable modules available now include a mic pre-amp module a digital connectivity module with optional ADAT IO and an 8 channel A/D & D/A module with more to come.
Line I/O Module for the Aurora(n)
Analog I/O Module for the Aurora(n)
Lynx proprietary 24-bit A/D and D/A conversion
Four electronically balanced outputs on TRS
Output level adjustments in 0.5dB increments up to +24dBu
Preamp Module for the Aurora(n)
Four-channel microphone/line/HI-Z input module for Aurora(n)
On-board Aurora(n) A/D conversion directly coupled to preamp out for four additional input channels
Transformerless, transparent design
Digital I/O Module for Lynx Aurora(n) Converter
16 input and 16 output channels on two 25-pin female D-subs, Yamaha digital I/O pinout
24-bit AES/EBU (AES3) data format
Balanced, Transformer-coupled, 110 ohm, RF filtered, electrical interface
Aurora(n) ADAT Daughter Board for the LM-DIG AES/EBU Digital I/O Module
ADAT daughter board for the LM-DIG AES/EBU digital I/O module
Provides ADAT and S/PIDF connectivity when paired with an LM-DIG in an Aurora(n) Interface*
4 high-quality optical connectors with two inputs and two outputs
The four analog, four digital PCI express card.
Four channels of A/D and D/A conversion
Four channels of AES3 or S/PDIF I/O
Sample rates of 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 and 192kHz
The two analog, two digital PCI express card.
Two channels A/D and D/A conversion
Two channels of AES3 or S/PDIF I/O
The AES/EBU PCI express card line, starting with 16 channels
Eight stereo inputs and eight stereo outputs (16 mono I/O), AES/EBU format, 24-bit, single wire and dual wire, transformer coupled
Optional sixteen channels of Sample Rate Conversion. Support for conversion ratios up to 16:1 with 144 dB dynamic range and -140dB THD+N.
Extensive on-board digital mixer
Credits: OK GO, Depeche Mode, Beck, Fitz & the Tantrums, Norah Jones and many more.
A chat with engineer/producer Alex "Cores" Hayes on how the Hilo is the centerpiece of his productivity.