Released: February 5, 2020
System requirements: LM-DIG installed in Aurora(n) with Firmware 1.21 or higher
The Non-OS specific file (the “Download” button above) is for updating using the microSD card on the Aurora(n). The Aurora(n) must have Firmware 1.21 or above for this update to work.
To update using a microSD card:
1. Format your microSD card on your computer with this formatter:
2. Download and extract firmware file. Copy LMDIG0200NC.bin file to the microSD card
3. Put microSD card into Aurora(n)
4. Press FUNCTION and navigate to the “Firmware Update” menu
5. Press SELECT on the LMDIG0200NC file to start the update process
6. When complete, turn off the Aurora(n) with the front panel switch
Change Log
February 5, 2020 Firmware 2.0
- Added support for DB-ADAT.
November 6, 2017 Firmware 1.0
- Initial release.